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The first biography of Pavel Durov, the creator of the social network VKontakte and the Telegram messenger told by his close circle. The biography of a person who claims to protects your privacy, but in fact - protects his own.

Date: 04/24/2021
Rating: 6.9
Cast: Pavel Durov, Ilya Perekopsky, John Hyman, Andrey Lopatin, Georgy Lobushkin, Oleg Illarionov, Tatyana Plutalova, Elnara Petrova, Rodion Chepel, Maxim Petrenchuk, Georgy Mednikov, Valery Durov, Dmitry Mironov, Nikolay Durov, Alexandr Gorbunov, Sergey Bogdanov, Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, Lev Leviev, Alexandr Kruglov

Pavel Durov as self (archive) in Durov Pavel Durov

Ilya Perekopsky

John Hyman

Andrey Lopatin

Georgy Lobushkin

Oleg Illarionov

Tatyana Plutalova

Elnara Petrova

Rodion Chepel as self in Durov Rodion Chepel

Maxim Petrenchuk

Georgy Mednikov

Valery Durov

Dmitry Mironov

Nikolay Durov

Alexandr Gorbunov

Sergey Bogdanov

Vyacheslav Mirilashvili

Lev Leviev

Alexandr Kruglov


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